Your Logo Is the Premier Opportunity to Represent Your Brand

Logo and Design Services

As a full-service firm, we create compelling logos and visual designs that honor your history and showcase your expertise.

Our meticulous research and contemporary color theory craft a visual strategy that resonates convincingly with your audience. Ready to see how we do it? Click 'Brand Evaluation'

HammerSport Website Logos and Design Icon - 600x600

Crafting a Timeless Logo

A powerful logo combines the right colors and shapes to match your brand’s voice and feel. At HammerSport, we dive deep into understanding your competition, utilizing effective color theory and the principles of great logo design to deliver an image that stands above the rest.

Want to see how your logo measures up? Click here for a complimentary brand evaluation.

A Logo That Resonates and Stands the Test of Time

Your new logo and visual branding will be stylish for a decade and adaptable to any format or media. It’s not just about looking good—it’s about creating a memory stamp in your ideal clients’ minds.


In today’s digital age, a high-performing logo is essential.

It builds credibility, enhances visibility, and makes a lasting impression. Don’t let a subpar logo hold you back.


When you hire us for your logo and design needs, we ensure your logo works in all formats and scales. Whether it’s on a business card or a billboard, your logo will be recognizable and impactful.

Our process transforms your brand through in-depth research and strategic planning, ensuring every detail of your logo elevates your business and captures attention. High-performing logos build trust, engage audiences, and leave a lasting impression.

Every detail is crafted to maximize opportunities and embed your business in your customers’ minds.


An unforgettable visual experience for your ideal client.

Ready for a logo that makes an impact? Hit “Contact Us” today and let’s create something unforgettable.

Logos, Icons, and Design with a Purpose

At HammerSport, we don’t just design logos; we create identities.

Steps in our Design Process

A magnifying class with a caution sign for our Brand Evaluation Symbol - HSM dark dark blue

Brand Evaluation

Click for Dollars SymbolGoals and Objectives by HSM

Goals and Objectives

Magnifying glass examining a checklist - Research and Discovery by HSM

Research and Discovery

Light Bulb Idea on Paper Symbol - Options and Mockups - HSM

Options and Mockups

Light Bulb Symbol - Drafts and Finals

Drafts and Finals

Shout Out to Social Symbol - Complete Style Guide by HSM

Complete Style Guide


In-Depth Competitor Research: Understanding your competition to ensure your logo stands out in the market.


Modern Color Theory: Using contemporary color principles to craft a visually appealing and meaningful logo.


Strategic Design: Following the best practices of logo design to create a simple, high-contrast, and memorable logo.

Your Logo, Your Brand Identity

Get the care, attention and advise to accomplish your goals.

Branding Strategy Included!

A Video about the Strategy of Designing a Corporate Logo and Style Guide? Coming Soon!

Elevate Your Brand’s Visual Identity

Partner with HammerSport for a full-service experience resulting in professional logo design and visual branding that stands the test of time.
