If you want to run advanced analytics in your application in an IOS device post IOS 14 than you will need to add an additional prompt that let’s the user know and asks permission to do so.
You’re most likely going to have to switch to using the conversions API with Facebook.
Click here to speak with a Facebook certified advertising API developer today or call Lewis May, the CEO directly at 407-353-7647
Apple has updated their privacy protection and policies in the upcoming IOS 14 update and software release.
What does this mean to you and your marketing?
In short, nothing really.
The answer to this question can get technical real fast but the gist of it is this.
If you want to run advanced analytics in your application in an IOS device post IOS 14 than you will need to add an additional prompt that let’s the user know and asks permission to do so.
What does this mean for your advertising?
Good question.
Unless you are using advanced analytics and custom events with a Facebook pixel (above 8) than you won’t have to worry, your pixel will work just fine.
What if I’m using advanced analytics or a ‘Power Pixel’
You ask really great questions and you’re most likely going to have to switch to using the conversions API with Facebook, This was originally called the server-side API. Now it’s called the conversions API. And basically what you will do is switch from a client side analytics application stack to a server side analytics application stack that receives events from the client side, but processes the analytics and the request on the server side so as to not go against the privacy regulations that will now be enforced in iOS 14.
If you are an advertiser who uses an advanced analytics set up and you need to transfer your analytics from the front end to the backend and you’re looking for somebody to help you with that, HammerSport Marketing is a Facebook Certified advertising API developer.

What we can do for you is take your analytics and integrate it with the Facebook conversions API so that you no longer have to worry about third party carriers or services blocking your data and analytics transfer.
If you’re reading this and you have an advanced analytic stack and you need help setting this up.
Click here to speak with a Facebook certified advertising API developer today or call Lewis May, the CEO directly at 407-353-7647
Thank you!
Lewis May
Great content!
Jóse Anderson