Writing Your (Unbelievably Elegant and Effective) Elevator pitch 

How to build messaging for everything you do and then use it in an Elevator Pitch.

Crafting an irresistible elevator pitch is the key to unlocking boundless opportunities and leads. 

Regularly deploying your elevator pitch not only opens doors to new prospects right in front of you but it also can establish meaningful connections and insights for your audience to help you get new business. 

This invaluable tool not only shapes your verbal interactions but can also guide your website and marketing content. 

A compelling elevator pitch becomes an indispensable asset for your sales team and brand.

The first key to a successful elevator pitch is understanding your client and tailoring your service to meet their needs. 

Distinguish between your target market and ideal customer, considering marketing a specialty service to a niche audience. 

Identify the reasons for targeting a specific niche, listing the problems and situations your ideal clients might face. 

By doing so, you gain a deeper understanding of your customer, paving the way for effective messaging.

The second key revolves around knowing the features and benefits of your service. 

Differentiate between features (functional aspects) and benefits (results). 

Address the problems identified in the first key by brainstorming solutions and corresponding benefits. 

Consider the emotional needs of your audience, creating a powerful marketing strategy that resonates with various demographic groups.

The third key emphasizes the importance of preparation. 

Being ready allows you to be present in any setting, making a lasting impression. 

Here is one “recipe” I use to craft elevator pitches.

Problem, solution, result.

This recipe is the simplest and one that you’ll eventually be able to use on the fly.  

The format is; someone has a problem, what’s your solution, and what’s the result that they get from your solution? 

Once you know your main offer, this recipe is easy to modify for a specific audience.  

Example, Elevator Pitch #1 for a plumbing company:

Many single moms have a similar problem when hiring a plumber to fix a broken water heater.  It’s normal for them to be hesitant when hiring a company because it sucks letting a stranger into your home for an extended period,  it’s inconvenient and messy from the gross, open plumbing repair, and it’s difficult to be available during a work day. 

At Ace Plumbing We’ve created a special schedule for those who need major repairs while at work, we have technicians who introduce themselves with a picture photo ID, and they all use clean protective booties and bring their cleaning equipment

all to make it easier, safer, and cleaner for the client who is paying for the service.

When you know this pitch well it can be easily modified to sound interesting to a different audience.

Here’s how it could be modified:  Many working families have similar problems when hiring a plumber to fix their broken water heater….     

You’ll know who to talk about after you’ve done the work to identify all of your ideal client profiles, but that’s another topic.

PRO TIP: sometimes it’s better to leave the first part the same.  In a group setting it lets the audience come up with their ideas about the other people who could benefit from this high level of service.  

When it’s their idea – they are even more likely to run with it and take action by putting their connection in contact with you or approaching you for themselves.

The key here is preparation, do a little here and there to improve your communication skills.

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